Saturday, 19 December 2015

behind the scenes

I want to show you my "making a video cover" process. 

I almost always record "live covers" (No, I dont' record my voice in a studio and then record a video, as many people think). The only one I've recorded partly is "Writing on the Wall" (I didn't know the song well but I wanted to recorded it anyway so I needed to have lyrics, take some more time)

I took some photos when I was recording "All I Want" by Kodaline.
Here's the video:

So there are some steps that I follow (almost) everytime:

1. I need to pick a song first. I usually cover songs I always wanted to sing... or songs that are new and can bring me a bit more attention. I always try to add something from myself to the song i pick. Sometimes it just happens naturally (I am not talking about pronounciation or grammatical mistakes :D) I'd call it "interpretation".

(here's the original version of this song. Both video and song are so beautiful and sweet)

2. Another step is "finding the right instrumental". I can't play the guitar too well so I need to use instrumentals from Youtube. I usually search for acoustic ones. I want my cover to be a bit different from the original song. And I need to make sure that the musician who created this instrumental is ok with me using it. I don't want no trouble!

(Sometimes I find an instrumental first and then I decide to record a song. I found this one and I was like "I need to record this!")

3. I need to prepare myself, find a nice place where I can record. I try to record in different places everytime, to make my videos easier to distinguish.

(this time I found this cool wall in my house. grey, empty...perfect)

4. I need to set up my equipment. I need to adjust the microphone settings and all that technical stuff.

(It takes some time, I also change a lot during my recording time - it's about trying and finding the best way to record)

5. Finally - I record my cover. It usually takes about 2 hours. I don't really practice songs before so I need a lot of takes to record one good version. It usually is the last one. 

noo, it's not over here

6. I need to edit my track and video, and then put it together. It takes even more time the recording it all. 

(I need to crop my video, edit colours, contrast, add some effects, add the intro, match song with the video, edit the track to make it sound good to me (it's very hard)...)

7. The most time-consuming part - waiting. I need to wait about 2 hours to crop and convert the video. After saving my video - another hour. Uploading video on Youtube takes another 2 or 3 hours. 

8. Promotion - I post my video on all of my social media. I promote it mostly on Instagram, in Facebook groups, or on Soundcloud. Sometimes I pay for promotion but I am just a poor student so I can't do it too much.  I think I'll work on it soon! (it's time to get a job girl!)

(and here's my selfie from the recording day. Partly dressed - in a decent shirt and pajamas!
This is me)

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up! Keep practicing and especially work smart, and you'll become whatever you want to be.
