Thursday, 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015!

While ago I decided to write something about this year... And I didn't expect that I will get emotional or something... but it happened. It's been such an amazing year for me. I have changed a lot. I have changed my life. 

In 2015:
  • I graduated from high school, I passed my exams well and I became a student. (it sounds like nothing special but for me it was a big challenge!)
  • I stopped partying and going out with people who didn't give a damn about me. (I used to love night life... I realized that I was wasting my time and energy on wrong things)
  • I evolved from rebellious, reckless teenager to calm, mature person. (I used to think that it's bad to be mature, that I will lose my character. It didn't happened. I am definitely better then I used to be. For others and for myself.)
  • I became more natural... I used to care so much about the way I look, now I don't. (I have more distance now. I accept my imperfections)
  • I traveled, I met a lot of people, I spend some lovely time with people who I adore.
  • I found some great new (for me) music.
  • The most important - I started singing again (I used to sing but... I was too young to know what I was doing. I wasn't happy about my work so I decided to disappear for a while. In fact I didn't really come back. I started my "secret life") So now I don't sing almost only for my friends and what I love the most: I am independent. I can do what I want, I give myself time for mistakes.
  •  I started my youtube channel, I bought the equipment to my studio. I actually started doing something with my life and with my "career". It's been 6 months... and I already see the results of my hard work. And I really love what I am doing now. I am fully responsible for everything. It feels great. (What I do is definitely not perfect right now but it's me. And that's all that matters. Pretending is not for me!)
  • For the first time in my life I have New Year's resolutions. I am ready for more changes. I am ready for development. I am ready for more hard work, more hours spent on fighting for my dreams, more studying, more working, more singing and writing. I will start this year with an open mind and heart. 

And before I go... Thank you. For comments, likes, views, criticism, advises, messages, lovely words... Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for being here. 
I could say that I haven't achieved anything yet... but it's not true. Even if there's one person reading it... It's a success for me.


1 comment:

  1. Well done if you continue with the sane attitude and determination there is no limit what you can achieve! All the best in 2016 xx
